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The project was a collaboration with Kazanetti String Quartet.  Nine Vastness drawings are my response to Amplitud,  by Jorge Guillén.  Kazanetti responded with a piano quintet arrangement of de Falla's Nights in the Gardens of Spain.  The  exhibition and performance with Kazanetti and Sergio Ruiz on piano, premiered at Georgia College and reprised at Piedmont College in Demarest, Georgia.

The sequence of drawings begins at either end and flows to center. Click on images to enlarge. Most are now in private collections.

Jorge Guillén




Far off, below, the pine forests spread out

masses of duration. They are the dark

greeneries that, bound to earth,

stretching out from below, lift

the stillness in an expanse of leafage,

close-knit. And densely they endure, green

in their greed for a breadth of summit,

of a never-ending summit all around,

while through their circles swells and exalts

that aroma of space forever vast.


from Cántico (“Song”)


(Translated by Louis Bourne)




Jorge Guillén




Lejos, abajo, los pinares tienden

masas de duración. Son los oscuros

verdores, que –ceñidos a la tierra,

desde abajo extendiéndose- levantan

la quietud en extensión de los follajes,

prietos. Y densamente duran, verdes

en su avidez de una amplitud de cima,

de una cima sin fin a la redonda,

mientras cunde y se exalta por sus círculos

aquel olor a espacio siempre inmenso.


De Cántico

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